Sunday, June 29, 2014

Tribute to Daisy

My mom Walter Daisy Haraldson passed away June 16, 2014. She was a wonderful woman, full of life and love for her family. My brother, Rusty, wrote a tribute that was read at the funeral by his pastor, Chuck. This pretty much sums up how we felt about Mom. My brother was able to put into words the way we all felt, but I probably did not say to her often enough.

Daisy's family wants to celebrate her life today, all 91 years. Walter Daisy Haraldson was named after her father, Walter Mabee. She was one of five girls in her family. Daisy was a loving,caring, beautiful woman. She always put her family first. There was never anything in her life more important to her. She made many sacrifices for her family without hesitation. I know our family would tell anyone they know that Mom was the most unselfish person we ever had in our lives. She was just like her mother, Pearl. The only time she might complain was if we didn't take time to see her. When you would go to her house for supper, you better be ready to eat, and you better eat everything on your plate. She would get upset if you didn't. Then you better be ready for seconds. Dad would often make a comment asking mom if she was cooking for an army or if she was expecting guests. Our family wants everyone here today to know we are celebrating her life. Today is a  very sad for our family, but we all know how blessed we were to have Mom for our mom and Dad as her husband for fifty nine years. We want to thank everyone that is here today. God Bless You.
I hope that everyone can tell by these words how much our Mom meant to our family. She will be missed dearly and will forever be in our hearts.

Daisy, you will be missed! We love you!

Daisy and Randall married December 30, 1955

Daisy and Randall 

My mom, Daisy, and me in Albuquerque

Mom's grave site in Springfield, MO

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