Friday, October 26, 2012

Winter Has Arrived!

Winter has arrived in Calgary!  This past week, the high was 25 F degrees and the low was 10 F degrees.  Just so you know the F stands for "Fahrenheit," not "friggin."

This week has brought snow and low, low temperatures to the "Land of Enchantment" wait, New Mexico is the land of enchantment......Alberta is the "Land of  the Strong and Free."  And let me tell ya folks, these people are strong!  They walk and ride their bikes to work year round.....seriously year round!  There are even snow tires for bikes!  The city budgets $37.5 million in city funds for snow removal every year!  This winter there are gonna be days that you just will not be able to drive your car to work.  OMG!  What would we do in Houston if we couldn't drive our cars to work?!  Well, we would call in with some lame excuse, of course!  Not the Canadians!  They just put on all the clothes they own and start hoofing it to the nearest bus stop.  

Since I have no snow tires on my car as of yet (we ordered them over 2 weeks ago, but so did everyone else), I have been doing a fair amount of walking myself.  I walk about 20 minutes each way to yoga every morning (yes, I said yoga).  So last Monday was the first really cold day...about 24 F if I remember correctly, and hoo-ee, I was definitely overdressed.  Not in a good way, like I was "struttin' it", but in a bad way, like I had two of everything on.  Well, by the time I got there, I was sweating like a pig headed for you-know-where.  I will learn.....I will learn

Now that I have given you the run down on the snow and temps, I want you to know that Jim and I plan to embrace this first winter in Calgary.  We went to a ski swap last weekend and bought second-hand skis and boots.  In order to get the really great deals, you have to sacrifice a bit of your time.  We stood in line to pay for over an hour, but we are ready to hit the slopes now!  (Pray for us)

No more beers on the back deck. :(

Jim and I both shovelled the front walk, twice!  It's a loosing battle but beautiful.

More steps to shovel.....

Gearing up for our next great adventure...stay tuned for ski pics

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