Monday, November 12, 2012

Winter Wonderland!

We seem to be having an early winter here in Calgary.  We've had two pretty impressive snow storms in the past three weeks.  I think we got around 10 inches of snow in each of the storms.  You know, I can't really call them storms though.  The snow started gently falling and kept accumulating overnight.  I didn't have to drive in the snow, so it really didn't impact my insignificant little life up here.  In fact, I rather enjoyed it!  

I have discovered that there are a few things you just don't say to a Canadian.  Things like, "Oh my, isn't this snow b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l?" or, "I hope we get more snow tonight!"  It's really not a good idea to talk about the snow in general.  People will either think you have lost your mind...or perhaps you are making fun of their "snow plight."  Yes, I said, "snow plight."  Some people really do take the snow personally.  I overheard two young ladies discussing the first snow in hushed, sad, tones, "I guess winter's here...I know it's coming every year, but it's always such a shock when I see the first snow."  I feel bad saying this, and I would never say this to a Canadian, but I love snow!  I love to walk in it!  I love to ski in it!  I love watching it fall from the sky (when I'm inside my lovely warm home)!  Now, I know at some point this winter, I will be heard to exclaim, "Daaaang! It's cold!"  And that's when I'll have to eat my words. But that's okay.  I will still like snow! 

I'm still getting out to walk almost everyday.  I have enjoyed even the coldest days (so far, 1 degree F).  I know.  I know.  I can feel those forty below temps coming.  The ones every self respecting Canadian has warned me about since our moving to Calgary in June.  But I promise I will be ready!  My snow tires are on the car; I have a wind shield scraper thingy; a shovel; some pea gravel; a solar blanket; hard candy; several tea light candles; a colored ribbon to tie to the antenna.....and that's just to drive to the grocery store!  

We had a beautiful sunny morning yesterday, so Jim and I took a walk in the hood and he took some snow pictures to share with you.  Enjoy and don't tell any Canadians about our snow passion! :)

Jim in our back alley shoveling the driveway.

The berries on these trees come out in August and are still here.

Anyone up for a swim?

These guys are clearing the side walk with blowers.

This how we measure the snow fall.

A park next to our house. 

More pictures of the berry trees.

A very cool old house in our hood. I love the river rock walls.

A street in our hood.

I could be ice skating.......or maybe just trying to keep my balance.......

A shot of one of the many parks in our neighborhood.  The blue spruce boughs will  get so heavy  they will touch the ground

Stairs to the street level below.  (Remember these, kids?)

Looking down over the rooftops.  We watched the Stampede fireworks from up here this summer.

One of our favorite restaurants.......No more outdoor dining.....

This is all that is left of an old house that was torn down to build a newer, larger home.  I wonder if they'll leave the little gateway?

Recognize this "big ol' snow angel"?


  1. Oh WOW!!!!!! It's so beautiful!! I'm with you, Mom, snow is wonderful!!! Put a coat on and get over it, Canadians!! I can't wai to visit again and see this winter wonderland!! =) We were a frigid 45 this morning down in the great country, errr STATE, of Texas....but don't worry, we made it. Love you Mom....and I love the blog!!!!

  2. You are so funny. You are going to get me in trouble up here! I can't wait for you guys to come up in the winter. Would you believe it's 41 F degrees today!
